Welcome to COMPUTER SCIENCE & MANAGEMENT (CSM) Govt. of Odisha
Registered Under Govt. of Odisha, Regd No.-151401135
Granted Under Niti Aayog Regd. No. - OR/2028/0182337, Govt. of India
Associated with MSME Regd.No. - OD28A0001089, Govt. of India
ISO 9001-2015 Certified Organization (QMS)

Admission Form

Admission Form

Course *
First Name *
Middle Name
Last Name
Date of Birth *
Gender *
Category *
Nationality *
Religion *
Blood Group *
Father's Name *
Mother's Name *
Aadhaar Number
Candidate's Mobile No. *
Email ID *
Parent's / Guardian's Mobile No. *
Present Address *
Permanent Address * Same as Address for Correspondance
Qualification (Applicant should manually fill up his/her percentage of mark if marks awarded in CGPA.)
Name of Examination Name of School/College Name of Board Total Marks Marks Secured Percentage Year of Passing
10th *
12th / Diploma
B. Arts / B. Com. / B. Sc.
M. Arts. / M. Com. / M. Sc.